Tuesday 12 June 2012

An Open Letter to Manny Pacquiao

Dear Manny Pacquiao:

I watched your interview in TV Patrol. When asked what you prayed after losing unexpectedly through that controversial split decision fight, you said: “Thank you, Lord! Not my will but your will be done” without any hesitation and doubt.  Hearing you said that, it convincingly dwarfed any injustices people may have experienced in their lives.  Your acceptance and surrender to the will of God can humble anyone who had been cheated, treated badly, discouraged about their failures and those who suffered unfairness at work, business or in any failed relationship.

Let us face it!  This is boxing and it is your life that is on the line here. You can suffer serious injuries and may not be able to enjoy your life anymore.  It is such a very risky and dangerous sport.  Training is not easy and it takes a lot of discipline and sacrifices being away from your family.  People may not realize the glaring reality that you are not a machine, you can falter on the ring anytime and any mistake, your life is at stake.  Manny, you were robbed! Yes, you were robbed, big time! People cried unfair and broke down to tears because you were cheated not only in front of your wife and two sons but in front of millions of people around the world.  Your mother fainted because you lost unexplainably.  There was no crime in the Philippines during your fight but in Las Vegas they have done the worst crime to you in the history of boxing.  People were booing Bradley when he was announced as the winner.  Fans demanding refund of their money.  Bob Arum was angered and considered this as unacceptable.  But, how could you easily accept the result that is obviously not fair and is blatantly wrong?  How could you say let us respect the decision of the judges even when the whole world knows that you won? 

I salute you Manny Pacquiao!  You practice what you preach.  That was humility in its truest sense to accept defeat even if it was unfair.  You have not only inspired so many people of your athleticism and sportsmanship but despite your stature, you have overlooked the potential damage to your career, finances and your family because of your total surrender to the will of God. You have shown to us that no matter how unfair life can be, you can still smile and remain at peace.  How can you do that?  Teach us! 

Jerry Caingcoy